Pre Opening Ceremony Reception

2016 年から 2017 年まで難民・移民サミットのフォローアップに関する特別顧問代行。2014 年 11 月から2017 年 4 月まで国連開発計画(UNDP)危機対応局局長・国連事務次長補。2012 年 8 月から 2014 年 10 月まで国際連合平和維持(PKO)局アジア・中東上級部長。 アフガニスタンを含むアジア全域、シリア・レバノンを含む中東全域および西サハラを主管。2008 年 9 月から 2012 年 7 月まで同局 政策・評価・訓練部 上級部長。
早稲田大学法学部卒業。米国ジョージタウン大学大学院修士課程卒業 (国際関係論)。国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR) 法務官、人事政策担当官、旧ユー ゴ・サラエボ、モスタル事務所長、旧ユーゴスラビア国連事務総長特別代表上級 補佐官、UNHCR 副高等弁務官特別補佐官、国連本部事務総長室国連改革チーム ファースト・オフィサー、International IDEA (国際民主化支援機構)官房長、企画 調整局長など国際機関のポストを歴任後、2005 年から 2008 年 8 月まで一橋大学 法学部、国際・公共政策大学院教授。同期間に国際協力機構(JICA) 平和構築 客員専門員(シニア・アドヴァイザー) 、外務省海外交流審議会委員などを兼任。 2008 年に国連に上級部長として復帰。
既婚、2 女の母。
From 2016 to 2017, served as Acting Special Adviser on Follow-up to the Refugee and Migrant Summit. From November 2014 to April 2017, served as Deputy UNDP Crisis Response Bureau Director and Deputy UN Under-Secretary-General. From August 2012 to October 2014, served as Senior Regional Director for Asia and the Middle East in the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) Bureau, overseeing Asia including Afghanistan, the Middle East including Syria and Lebanon, and Western Sahara. From September 2008 to July 2012, served as Senior Director in the Policy, Evaluation, and Training Division of the same bureau.
Graduated from Waseda University Faculty of Law. Holds a master's degree in International Relations from Georgetown University in the United States. Held various positions in international organizations including Legal Officer, Human Resources Policy Officer, Head of Former Yugoslavia Field Offices in Sarajevo and Mostar, Senior Adviser to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Former Yugoslavia, Special Assistant to the Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees at UNHCR, First Officer in the UN Reform Team in the Office of the Secretary-General at UN Headquarters, Head of Secretariat and Director of Program Coordination at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA). From 2005 to August 2008, served as a professor at the Faculty of Law and the Graduate School of International and Public Policy at Hitotsubashi University. Concurrently during this period, served as a Senior Advisor for Peacebuilding at the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and a member of the Foreign Ministry's Overseas Exchange Council. Returned to the United Nations as a Senior Director in 2008.
Married with two daughters.
Julian Castellón Odabachianは、カリフォルニア州アラメダで2人の建築家兼アーティストの両親に育てられ、その後、プリンストン大学で機械および航空宇宙工学の学士号を取得するためにニュージャージー州に移る。卒業後、テスラで機械設計エンジニアとして働き、バッテリー火災のリスクを減らすために設計された小型電機安全重要部品の開発に従事。テスラでエンジニアリングスキルを磨くことがた一方、自分の生活をより良く変えたり、世界に影響を与えたりするとは感じなかった。以前のNeuralinkでのインターンシップで、バイオテクノロジーに内在する人間の要素を経験。口を使って携帯電話やコンピューターと簡単に対話できるようにするHuman Computer InterfaceデバイスであるMouthPadの機械設計をリードする機会に飛びついた。彼は、技術を使用して世界の問題を解決し、Augmentalが技術をより公平かつアクセスしやすくするための大きな機会があると考えてる。
Julian Castellón Odabachian was raised by two architects and artists in Alameda, California before moving to New Jersey where he received his Bachelor’s of Science and Engineering in Mechanical and Aerospace engineering from Princeton University. Upon graduation, Julian worked at Tesla as a Mechanical Design Engineer developing small electromechanical safety-critical components intended to reduce the risk of battery fires. Though he was able to develop his engineering skills at Tesla, he did not feel like he was changing anyone’s life for the better or making an impact on the world. A previous internship at Neuralink had given Julian a taste for the human-element inherent within biotechnology, and he jumped at the opportunity to lead the mechanical design of the MouthPad^, a Human Computer Interface device which allows people with motor impairments to easily interact with phones and computers through use of the mouth. He is passionate about using technology to solve the ills of the world and sees great opportunity for Augmental to make technology more equitable and accessible for everyone.
Shorna-Kay Richards has been Ambassador of Jamaica to Japan since September 2020, with concurrent accreditation to Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea and New Zealand.
She served as the Deputy Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the United Nations (2012–2016) and dealt with matters concerning the United Nations First Committee, the Arms Trade Treaty negotiations, the United Nations Disarmament Commission, the Biennial Meeting of States on the UN Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons, and the Open-ended Working Group on Taking Forward Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations. She was also actively involved in negotiations on oceans and the law of the sea.
She is currently the Chair of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters and the Board of Trustees of the UN Disarmament Research Institute since January 2024.
Ambassador Richards joined the Jamaican Foreign Service in 1994. As a UN Disarmament Fellow in 2005 she undertook study visits to Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
1961年逗子市生まれ。父の転勤で渡米。1983年テキサス大学化学工学部卒業。1987年UCLA大学にてMBAを取得。米系投資銀行で外債、国債、為替、株式およびデリバティブのマーケット業務に携わり、1996年に米大手ヘッジファンドに入社。2001年に独立し、シブサワ・アンド・カンパニー株式会社を創業、代表取締役に就任。2007年にコモンズ株式会社を創設、2008年にコモンズ投信株式会社へ改名し、会長に就任。2021年にブランズウィック・グループのシニアアドバイザー、2022年ISSB(国際サステナビリティ基準審議会)議長の特別顧問およびIFVI(International Foundation for Valuing Impact)理事、2023年に株式会社and Capitalを創業、代表取締役CEOに就任。
また最近では、Triple I for GH: Impact Investment Initiative for Global Health(グローバルヘルスのためのインパクト投資イニシアティブ)の共同議長に就任し、GSG国内諮問委員会の委員長、インドのベンチャーキャピタルChiratae Venturesアジア・アドバイザリーボードのメンバーにも就任。
経済同友会幹事およびグローバルサウス・アフリカ委員会委員長、岸田政権の「新しい資本主義実現会議」、金融庁、経済産業省等、政府系委員会の委員を務めており、UNDP(国連開発計画)SDG Impact Steering Group委員、東京大学総長室アドバイザー、成蹊大学客員教授等。
著書に『渋沢栄一100の訓言』(日経ビジネス人文庫)、『SDGs投資~資産運用で社会貢献』(朝日新聞出版)、『渋沢栄一の折れない心をつくる33の教え』(東京経済新報社)、『超約版 論語と算盤』(ウェッジ社)、『対訳 銀行員のための「論語と算盤」とSDGs』(きんざい)、他。
Ken Shibusawa founded in 2001, Shibusawa and Company, Inc., a strategic advisory firm for alternative investments, ESG/SDGs alignment and human resource development. He also founded in 2008, Commons Asset Management, a mutual fund dedicated to deliver long term investment opportunities to the Japanese household. In 2023, he founded &Capital, Inc., an impact fund management company for Africa. He has extensive market experience at JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs as well as Moore Capital, a global macro hedge fund, where he was the representative managing director of the Tokyo Office.
He is also trustee and co-chairperson of the Global South Africa Committee of KeizaiDoyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives), and is a member of numerous government committees, including the Council for New Form of Capitalism, established byPrime Minister Kishida. He also serves as a member of Asia Advisory Board of Chiratae Venutres, a leading venture capital fund in India investing in tech startups. In addition,he is an advisor to the Office of the President at the University of Tokyo, steering committee member of UNDP SDG Impact, board member of the International Foundation for Valuing Impact, a special advisor to the ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Boards) chair, chairman of GSG (Global Steering Group for Impact Investment) National Advisory Board Japan. And most recently was named as co-head of Triple I (Impact Investment Initiative) for Global Health, an initiative that was endorsed by G7 leadership at the Hiroshima Summit.
He is a published author and writes frequently for magazines, journals, and internet media.He also publishes and hosts of a podcast, Made With Japan was educated in the United States from second grade elementary through college(University of Texas, BS Chemical Engineering, 1983), and then returned again for graduate school (UCLA Anderson School of Management, 1987).
平和、安全保障、そして若者と女性のエンパワーメントに情熱を持つ環境保護活動家。モーリタニアで環境保護と生態系の発展を推進するSelfie Mbalite NGOの会長を務めている。マンデラ・ワシントン・フェローシップ2021、オバマ財団リーダーアフリカ2018、One Young Worldアンバサダー、Youth Climate Hub Initiative Ambassador。
Resilient40やGAIA Africaなどの複数のネットワークのメンバーでもある。また、国連環境計画の取り組みである第6回地球環境展望の重要な若手著者の1人。アフリカ連合で若者顧問として、および社会問題・児童・家族省でコミュニケーションを担当する技術顧問として働いてきた。2018年以来、アフリカで最も影響力のある人物の1人として認識されており、アフリカン・リーダー同盟のアフリカ連盟における北アフリカ代表を務める。
Aminetou is an environmental advocate with a passion for peace, security, and empowering youth and women. She serves as the president of the Selfie Mbalite NGO, which promotes environmental protection and ecological development in Mauritania. Aminetou is an alumna of the Mandela Washington Fellowship 2021, an Obama Foundation Leader Africa 2018, a One Young World Ambassador 2018, and a Youth Climate Hub Initiative Ambassador.
She is a member of several networks such as Resilient40 and GAIA Africa. Aminetou is also one of the key young authors of the sixth Global Environment Outlook, an initiative of the United Nations Environment Programme.
She has worked as a youth advisor at the African Union and as a technical advisor in charge of communication at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Childhood, and Family.
Since 2018, Aminetou has been recognized as one of Africa's most influential figures. Currently, she serves as the North Africa Head of the African Youth Council of the Alliance of African Leaders against Malaria (ALMA).
小学2年生から単身で中国、カナダ、メキシコ、スペインに留学。東日本大震災をきっかけに帰国し、早稲田大学国際教養学部に入学。新卒でジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソンに入社し、デジタルマーケティングを担当。その後、組織開発コンサルへ転職し、CMOとしてマーケティングを牽引しながら、広報とブランドコンサルティングを推進。「地球を一つの学校にする」をミッションに掲げるWORLD ROADを設立し、世界中の人々がお互いから学び合える教育事業を立ち上げる。2022年には自身の夢である「社会の境界線を溶かす」を実現するために、HI合同会社を設立。SDGs x 教育を軸に、国内外の企業や、個人に対して、一人ひとりが自分の軸を通じて輝ける、持続可能な社会のあり方やビジネスモデルを追求する。Forbes JAPAN 2021年度「今年の顔 100人」に選出。
A 2018,2019 One Young World Ambassador, Ibun’s first study abroad was at the age of 8 years old on her own. She has since studied in China, Canada, Mexico and Spain. During her journey in four different countries, she learnt the importance of education and the potential of human connection. After returning to Japan, she completed her BA at Waseda University School of International Liberal Studies and began working at Johnson & Johnson in the field of digital marketing. In a deeper pursuit of her dream of realizing a “borderless world”, she founded HI.LLC. Providing ESG consultancy, leadership development, and education for sustainable development to companies and schools around the world. In 2021, she was also selected as Forbes JAPAN 2021 “ Best 100 talent”.
国際基督教大学を卒業後、ソニー入社。秘書、人事を経て、2005 年独立。主にジャパネットグループにおける人事コンサルティング、広告代理店業(メディアバイイング、クリエイティブ)を経て、2018 年 J クラブの V ・ファーレン長崎の上席執行役員に就任。広報や運営業務を担当した。2020 年同クラブの代表取締役社長就任。一貫して人とメディアに関わる仕事に携わる傍ら、大学にて経営学・教育学について学び、現在は東京大学大学院教育学研究科博士課程に在籍し、教育思想の研究を継続している。2022 年 3 月 J リーグ常勤理事、JFA 理事に就任。J リーグでは社会連携他、複数の部門を担当した。同年 9 月に WE リーグの 2 代目チェアに就任。なでしこリーグ理事長、J リーグ特任理事とJFA 副会長も務める。
Joined Sony Group Corporation as secretary and on to HR after graduating from International Christian University. In 2004, she founded her own company on HR consulting and advertising agency (media buying, creative production) for the Japanet Group.In 2018, she joined the V-VAREN NAGASAKI Football Club as Senior Executive Officer in charge of public relations and game operation. In 2020, she became the President of the Club.Haruna continues her academical pursuit on Business Administration and Education, and currently studies at the Faculty of Education, Graduate School of Education in the University of Tokyo pursuing Ph.D. degree in pedagogy.In March 2022, she was appointed full-time Board of Directors forJ.League and Member of Executive Committee of JFA. In J.League, CSR initiatives called “SHAREN!” was her main focus. In September 2023, Takata became the second Chair of WE League. Also currently assumes the position of President of Nadeshiko League, Specially Appointed Director ofJ.League, and Vice-President of JFA.
また、個人としての究極の目標は「世界平和」で、PEACE DAYフェスを国際平和デーである9月21日に毎年開催するなど、様々な活動を行っている。
In 1997, he established NEXT Co., Ltd.., (now LIFULL Co., Ltd.). The company developed the real estate and home information website "HOME'S" (now LIFULLHOME'S) into one of the largest websites in Japan, and currently operates 37 group companies in Japan and overseas, providing services in more than 60 countries and regions. The company's corporate message is "Make every LIFE FULL". The LIFULL Group offers a full range of services related to daily life, not only in the real estate field, but also in areas such as regional development and nursing care.
His ultimate goal as an individual is "world peace," and he is involved in various activities such as holding the PEACE DAY festival every year on September 21, the International Day of Peace.
サステナビリティやウェルビーイング領域などへのエンジェル・ベンチャー投資家、コンサルタント兼コーチ。 ウェルビーイングコミュニティWellCも主宰。他、複数社の社外取締役を務め、TokyoWomeninVC理事も務める。日本初ESG重視型ベンチャーキャピタルMPower Partnersの創業にマネージング・ディレクターとして参画し、他複数のVCを率いてきた。
Eriko is a tech and social impact angel investor focused on Wellbeing and Sustainability, and currently an advisor to VCs, Board Member of private and public companies, Director of Tokyo Women in VC, and executive coach.
Eriko is former founding member and Managing Director of Japan’s first ESG focused VC MPower Partners, and GP of Fresco Capital and Investment Director of Mistletoe, etc. and started her career in Investment Banking at Morgan Stanley and UBS and later became Japan country manager of Silicon Valley based drone startup.
Author of “How we live, will be how we work” (Daiwashobo, 2018) and translator of New York Times best seller “Mission Economy: A moonshot guide to changing capitalism” (Mariana Mazzucato, 2021). Mother of two children.
ベルギー在住のエディター。早稲田大学政治経済学部卒業後、Forbes JAPAN編集部でエディター・アシスタントを経て、日本経済新聞社に入社。記者として就活やベンチャーを取材する。その後、日本経済新聞出版社(現・日経BP)に書籍編集者として出向、60冊以上のビジネス書を作る。担当した『日経文庫 SDGs入門』『お父さんが教える13歳からの金融入門』は10万部を超える。就業中に名古屋商科大学院で経営学修士(MBA)を取得。2022年8月に退職・独立し、ベルギーに。現在はルーヴァン経営学院の上級修士課程で欧州ビジネス・経済政策を学ぶ。ヤングダボス会議とも呼ばれるOne young world 2022の日本代表、現在はアンバサダー。ビジネスインサイダー、日経などのメディアへの執筆のほか、編集業務や海外企業の日本進出支援も行っている。
Currently residing in Belgium, she is an accomplished editor with an academic background from Waseda University, holding a degree in Political Science and Economics. Her career commenced at Forbes Japan, subsequently evolving during her tenure at Nikkei Inc., where she specialized in reporting on job hunting and the startup landscape. She significantly contributed to Nihon Keizai Shimbun Publishing (currently Nikkei Business Publications), playing a crucial role in the production of over 60 business titles, including the bestsellers "Introduction to SDGs" and "Blue Chip Kids," each achieving sales surpassing 100,000 copies. In parallel with her editorial career, she completed her MBA at NUCB. In August 2022, she embarked on an entrepreneurial journey, offering consultancy for foreign enterprises seeking entry into the Japanese market, along with media consulting services.
She is presently enhancing her expertise in European Business and Economic Policy through the Advanced Master's Programme at the Louvain School of Management. Serving as the Japanese ambassador for One Young World, she actively contributes to publications such as Business Insider and Nikkei, further demonstrating her commitment to global communication and business integration.
Since 2010, Margianta’s experience ranges from grassroot work to high-level advocacy in regional and international networks, with intersectional focus on youth development, global health, and social justice in policy making process. Margianta has been invited to speak about the importance of inclusion and wellbeing for working class youth at UNICEF Leading Minds Conference, UNICEF Global Forum for Children and Youth, Global Mental Health Summit, Nobel Prize Dialogue, and the One Young World 2018 in the Netherlands, where he spoke in front of almost 2.000 people from 193 countries and was introduced on stage by Terry Crews, a Hollywood #MeToo activist and actor. Some of his recent works include his role as a UNICEF consultant where he provide inputs for UNICEF's Youth Advocacy Guide and protocol on youth participation and mental health. Margianta is also a part of the CSO Advisory Board for UN in Indonesia and the youngest Council Member of Being Initiative that funds research and innovations to support youth mental health in Global South countries.
デジリハのGlobal Partnership アジア担当マネージャー。2024年10月より、インド法人のCEOに就任予定。5歳児の母。
自身の人生のビジョンである「コミュニケーションを通じて誰もが平和に暮らせる世界を実現したい」という志から、米国School for International Training よりTESOL及び米国テキサス工科大学応用言語学修士を取得。米国にてアジア難民を対象とした語学教師としてキャリアをスタート。その後、アジア最大の財団である日本財団のプロジェクトコーディネーターとして社会変革事業のプロジェクトマネージメントや資金調達部門、メディアリレーションシップ業務を歴任。社会課題解決を図るための高い専門性を持ちながらプロジェクト推進を図ってきた。
Moeko Takagi is currently a manager for Global Partnerships in Asia at Digireha. She will be the inaugural CEO of the Indian subsidiary as of October 2024. Moeko is a working mother of a 5-year-old daughter. Moeko’s vision is to build world peace through communication which led her to continue English language training in the United States by pursuing education in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) from the School for International Training and later a master’s degree in applied linguistics from Texas Tech University. Moeko’s postgraduate career began as a language teacher for Asian refugees in the USA. She then worked as a project coordinator for the Nippon Foundation, Asia's largest foundation, where she worked in project management, fundraising and media relations for social change projects. She has promoted these projects with a high level of expertise in solving social issues. Her role at Digireha supports their mission to develop tools to make society more inclusive throughout the Asian region for people with disabilities of all varieties. She is also studying public health at Teikyo University Graduate School of Public Health and conducting research on consultation among parents of children with severe mental and physical disabilities.
小学生時、インターナショナルスクールから公立小学校へ転校し、自分のマイノリティとしての立場を自覚した。異文化交流に興味を持ち、大学時はタイへの留学。貧富の差や貧しい子供たちを目の当たりにし、在学中にタイとカンボジアでボランティア活動に参加。マスメディアスピーカーとなり若い世代への社会参画を促すことが目標である。21歳からJ-WAVE,Fmyokohamaでラジオパーソナリティとして番組をもち、現在はZIP FMでOver View 毎週月曜日、火曜日生放送番組を担当。その他不定期でAbema Primeへコメンテーターで出演、ナレーター、海外アーティストのインタビューを行ってる。
Graduated from Aoyama Gakuin University. His father is American and his mother is Japanese. Born in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture. Resident 2018 Miss Kamakura.
When she was in elementary school, she transferred from an international school to a public elementary school and became aware of her minority status. Interested in cross-cultural exchange, she studied abroad in Thailand during college. Witnessing the disparity between rich and poor and poor children, she participated in volunteer activities in Thailand and Cambodia while still in school. Her goal is to become a mass media speaker and promote social participation among the younger generation. 21 years old, she has had her own radio personality show on J-WAVE and Fmyokohama, and is currently in charge of Over View, a weekly live show on Mondays and Tuesdays on ZIP FM. He also appears irregularly on Abema Prime as a commentator, narrator, and interviewer for foreign artists.
Sara is the pharmacist and diet expert who founded Wellibites to create a healthier world which became the market leader in record-time. The combination of rising numbers of type 2 diabetes and obesity worldwide and that there were no healthy and tasty candy on the market led to the realization that we need a super tasty candy that also does good. Sara started to develop the recipes in her home kitchen in Sweden. Wellibites is a unique and healthy candy, completely free of sugar, gluten, fat and palm oil and also vegan, low in calories, contains only natural colours & flavours and the only candy on the market that is vitamin and mineral enriched. In addition, it is the only candy on the market that has all the USP:s that consumers request in one product.
Apart from her passion to help public health with her innovative healthy candy she is also passionate about encouraging female entrepreneurship, and especially amongst underrepresented groups. She does inspirational talks and shares her knowledge and experience generously to help more people take the leap towards their dreams.
She has received honorable awards for her business and entrepreneurial journey from H.M King Carl Gustaf XVI of Sweden, Prince Daniel of Sweden, Female Entrepreneur of the year, Bravest boss of the year, Top 100-profile in Sweden making the business more sustainable and more.
シビラ・パトリチア (Sybilla Patrizia) は、東京を拠点に活動するエミー賞受賞の映画監督兼写真家である。現在、長編ドキュメンタリー「PLASTIC LOVE!」を制作中であり、これはHERMÈSのSocial Good Bookで紹介された、日本のプラスチックとの有害な関係を扱っている。2022年には、Financial TimesのHTSI Magazineの表紙を撮影し、VICEの短編ドキュメンタリー「The Dark Side of Manga」を撮影し、2023年にエミー賞を受賞している。2023年のTokyo Docsでは、「The Shape of Blue」が最優秀ピッチ賞、Sunny Side of the Doc賞、DocedgeKolkata賞を受賞している。「A Bloody Taboo」は、日本における月経のタブーについての作品であり、Tokyo Docsで賞を受賞し、2021年にJi.hlava国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭でプレミア上映された。
Sybilla Patrizia is an Emmy Award-winning filmmaker and photographer based in Tokyo. She is currently developing her feature documentary ‘PLASTIC LOVE!’, which deals with Japan’s toxic relationship with plastic and which was featured in HERMÈS’ Social Good Book. In 2022, she shot the cover of the Financial Times’ HTSI Magazine, featuring Japan’s best-selling author Mieko Kawakami and ‘The Dark Side of Manga’, a VICE short doc on child abuse in Japanese manga which won an Emmy in 2023. At Tokyo Docs 2023, ‘The Shape of Blue’ was awarded Best Pitch Award, Sunny Side of the Doc Award, and DocedgeKolkata Award. ‘A Bloody Taboo’ about the stigma against menstruation in Japan, was awarded at Tokyo Docs and premiered at Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival in 2021.
ジャーナリスト、日本ファクトチェック・センター(JFC)編集長。朝日新聞の報道記者としてキャリアをスタート。日本や東南アジアの支社を経て、東京のデジタル編集部に配属。2015年、BuzzFeedに日本版の創設者兼編集長として入社。2019年にBuzzFeedを退社し、日本のニュースメディアのデジタルトランスフォーメーションを支援する会社「media-collab」を設立。2020年〜2022年までGoogle News Labのティーチングフェローとして勤務。2年間で2万人以上のジャーナリストや学生にデジタル報道とファクトチェックのトレーニングを行った。2022年9月にJFC初代編集長に就任し、翌月にJFCを立ち上げた。デジタルジャーナリスト教育研究所(D-JEDI)理事。ニューヨーク市立大学クレイグ・ニューマーク・ジャーナリズム大学院エグゼクティブ・プログラム(ニュースの革新とリーダーシップ)の卒業生。
Daisuke Furuta is a Journalist and editor-in-chief of the Japan Fact-check Center(JFC). Daisuke started his career as a news reporter for The Asahi Shimbun, Japan’s national newspaper. After working in Japan and branch offices in Southeast Asia, he was assigned as a digital editor in Tokyo. In 2015, he joined BuzzFeed as the founder and editor-in-chief of the Japan edition. He left BuzzFeed in 2019 and set up his own company, "media-collab," to support Japanese news media for digital transformation. He worked as a teaching fellow at Google News Lab from 2020 - 2022. He trained more than 20,000 journalists and students for digital reporting and fact-checking in two years. He was named JFC's first editor-in-chief in September 2022 and launched it the next month. Daisuke is a board member of the Digital Journalist Education Institute(D-JEDI). He is an alumnus of the City University of New York Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism Executive Program in News Innovation and Leadership.
Born in 1977. Graduated from Kyushu University, Faculty of Economics. After founding and serving as president of SMS, he led the company's listing on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and its expansion in Asia. In 2015, he founded REAPRA in Singapore, forming a business group focusing on Asia and investing as a learning support company to create an industry that solves social issues that span across generations. He also manages the Katsudoiku Foundation, which conducts educational activities to bring out the ability to continue to live vibrantly with society, and the Unsun Foundation, a general foundation that seeks affluence that looks nine generations into the future.
ラミズ・バクティアルは青少年活動家、平和構築者、カナダ難民。受賞歴のあるプログラム「Peace in Our Schools」のビジョナリーリーダーである。過去10年間、ラミズはフリードリッヒ・エーベルト財団ヤング・リーダーズ・フォーラム、ワン・ヤング・ワールド平和大使、スウェーデン研究所リーダー・ラボ・プログラムなど、数多くのユース・リーダーシップ・プログラムに積極的に参加してきた。
2018年、ラミズはアフガニスタン初の国連ユース代表に選出され、歴史に名を刻んだ。この役割は、国連安全保障理事会や国連総会でのスピーチを含む、彼にユニークな機会を提供した。また、ラミズは「Peace in Our Schools(私たちの学校に平和を)」を通じて、小学生や若者たちと協力し、平和構築や紛争解決の技術を伝授するとともに、開放性、共存、異宗教間の友好を育んでいる。これまでにラミズと彼のチームは、アフガニスタン、カナダ、グルジア、ボスニア、インドネシアで何千人もの若者と直接関わり、さまざまな国の10の学校で平和構築ワークショップを開催してきた。現在は会議、イベント、円卓会議に頻繁に参加し、意思決定プロセスにおける若者の重要な役割、地域の平和構築、持続可能な開発目標16の追求を強調している。
Ramiz Bakhtiar is a youth activist, peacebuilder and refugee in Canada. He is the visionary leader behind award-winning program, Peace in Our Schools.Over the past decade, Ramiz has been actively engaged in numerous youth leadership programs, including the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Young Leaders Forum, One Young World Peace Ambassador, and the Swedish Institute Leader Lab program, among others.
In 2018, Ramiz made history by being elected as Afghanistan’s first Youth Representative to the United Nations. This role provided him with unique opportunities, including speaking at the United Nations Security Council and the UN General Assembly.
Through Peace in Our Schools, Ramiz collaborates with schoolchildren and young adults, imparting peacebuilding and conflict-resolution techniques while fostering openness, coexistence, and interfaith friendship. To date, Ramiz and his team has directly worked with thousands of young people in Afghanistan, Canada, Georgia, Bosnia and Indonesia, and have organized peacebuilding workshops in 10 schools across different countries.
A sought-after speaker, Ramiz frequently contributes to conferences, events, and roundtables, emphasizing the crucial role of youth in decision-making processes, local peacebuilding, and the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 16.
1998年生まれ。2019年、若者の投票率が80%を超えるデンマークに留学し、若い世代の政治参加を促進するNO YOUTH NO JAPANを設立。Instagramで選挙や政治、社会の発信活動(現在フォロワー約10万人)をはじめ、若者が声を届けその声が響く社会を目指して、アドボカシー活動、自治体・企業・シンクタンクとの協働などを展開中。2022年、政治分野のジェンダーギャップ解消を目指し20代・30代の地方選挙への立候補を呼びかけ一緒に支援するムーブメントFIFTYS PROJECTを行う一般社団法人NewSceneを設立。慶應義塾大学院経済学研究科修士卒。テレビ朝日 大下容子!ワイドスクランブル、東京MX 堀潤モーニングフラッグ出演中。TIME誌の次世代の100人 #TIME100NEXT 2022選出。
Born in 1998, he studied abroad in Denmark, where the youth voting rate exceeds 80% in 2019, and established NO YOUTH NO JAPAN to promote political participation of the younger generation. In 2022, he established NewScene, a general incorporated association, which conducts the FIFTYS PROJECT, a movement to encourage and support young people in their 20s and 30s to run for local elections in order to close the gender gap in the political field. He is also a founder of NewScene, a general incorporated association. She holds a master's degree in economics from Keio University. TV Asahi, Yoko Oshita! Wide Scramble, Tokyo MX Horijun Morning Flag, TIME Magazine's Next 100 People #TIME100NEXT 2022.
2000年長崎県生まれ、23歳。上智大学在学。祖母が被爆者の被爆3世。高校時代から被爆地長崎を拠点に核兵器廃絶を求める平和活動に参加。大学進学と同時に上京後、「核兵器廃絶国際キャンペーン(ICAN)」キャンペナーとして核兵器禁止条約を推進。日本の全国会議員の核兵器禁止条約へのスタンスを可視化するプロジェクト「議員ウォッチ」のリサーチャーとして活動しながら、被爆地の外でのアクションを更に広めるために東京を拠点とした「KNOW NUKES TOKYO」を設立、共同代表を務める。現在は経済産業省主催の社会起業家アクセラレーションプログラム「ゼロイチ」に参加し、事業化を目指している。
Suzuka Nakamura was born in Nagasaki in 2000 and is a student of Sophia University in Tokyo. Her grandmother is a HIBAKUSHA, a victim of the atomic bombing in Nagasaki. She started her peace activity based in Nagasaki from high school. After entering university, she joined projects to promote the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Tokyo as a campaigner of ICAN ( The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons). She is also working as a member of “GIIN WATCH'', a project asking and visualizing all Japanese diet members’ thoughts about TPNW. Now she works as a co-founder of “KNOW NUKES TOKYO ''.
私の名前はオスカー・アンダーソンです。私は約9年間、One Young Worldの大使を務めており、障害者としての経験や信念について話しています。私は幼少期のほとんどをアジアで過ごし、障害のある人々はただの「普通の人々で、追加のチャレンジを持つ人々」と信じる熱心な信者でした。彼らも他の普通の人と同じように機会に平等にアクセスできるべきだと考えています。私たちの身体が不自由であるからと言って、私たちが社会の中で機能できないということではありません。
My name is Oscar Anderson, I have been a ambassador for One Young World for about nine years, talking about my experiences and beliefs as a disabled person. I have lived in Asia for most of my childhood and I’ve always been a fervent believer that disabled people are just “ordinary people with extra challenges,” who should be given equal access to the amount of opportunities as any other normal person has access to. Just because our bodies are wonky , doesn’t mean that we aren’t able to function within society.
I’m now living in England, I have finished college and I’m hoping to do it online university course on international relations as well as become a published author.
私の名前はBibi Aziza Beghamです。社会変革に深く関わるアフガニスタンの女性として、2018年にオランダで開催されたOne Young Worldサミットに出席する栄誉に恵まれました。約12年間、アフガンの少女や女性を教育と機会を通じて力強くする非営利団体であるRazia's Ray of Hope Foundationで奉仕することに自らを捧げてきました。
Razia's Ray of Hope Foundationの価値観や原則、エンパワーメント、平等、共同体などに基づいて、アフガンの女性やその先にある人々の生活に意味のある影響を与え続けることを目指しています。これらの価値を体現することで、私はすべての人々に対してより公正で平等な社会を形作ることにコミットしています。持続的な活動を通じて、後世に明るい未来を創造し、ポジティブな変化をインスピレーションとなることを目指しています。
My name is Bibi Aziza BEGHAM, and as an Afghan woman deeply committed to social change, I've had the honor of attending the One Young World Summit in 2018 in the Netherlands. For nearly 12 years, I've dedicated myself to serving at the Razia's Ray of Hope Foundation, a nonprofit organization striving to empower Afghan girls and women through education and opportunity.
At the summit, I shared insights from my grassroots work, advocating for gender equality and empowerment. Through mentorship programs and collaborative initiatives, I've worked to uplift women in my community, breaking down barriers and fostering opportunities for their advancement.
Drawing upon the values and principles of the Razia's Ray of Hope Foundation, such as empowerment, equality, and community, I strive to continue making a meaningful impact in the lives of Afghan women and beyond. By embodying these values, I am committed to shaping a more just and equitable society for all. Through my ongoing work, I aim to inspire positive change and create a brighter future for generations to come.
サラームの献身は自らの経験に留まりません。One Young Worldの大使(2018年 ハーグ)として、彼は難民や避難民の権利を擁護しています。彼は世界に彼らの可能性と持ち込む機会、彼らの苦境だけでなく、見るよう世界に訴えます。
Salam, means "peace" in Arabic an carried that meaning through his life, has known displacement twice. War forced him from his homeland Syria, where he rebuilt his life for over seven years in Sudan. Yet, war erupted again, pushing him on a journey to forge a new path in entirely new countries and continents.
Despite these challenges, Salam's spirit remains full of hope. A passionate entrepreneur driven by social innovation, his work in Sudan wasn't just about rebuilding his own life. He partnered with a Sudanese startup to promote positive change. Through gamified experiences and board games, tackling critical issues:
Political dialogue: Fostering communication and understanding.
Critical thinking: Empowering individuals to analyze information effectively.
Hygiene and nutrition awareness: Improving health outcomes in marginalized communities.
Salam's dedication extends beyond his own experiences. As a One Young World Ambassador (The Hague, 2018 - Enterprise for Peace Scholar), he champions the cause of refugees and displaced people. He advocates for a shift in perspective, urging the world to see their potential and the opportunities they bring, not just their struggles.
Fang Liu is a Policy Fellow at APLN and holds a Master's degree in Global Affairs and Policy from Yonsei University’s Graduate School of International Studies. She received her first Master’s degree in Transcultural Studies from Heidelberg University and a Bachelor’s degree in German Language and Literature from Sun Yat-sen University. Currently, she serves as the APLN coordinator for several projects and network member activities, including the joint project 'Nuclear Weapon Use Risk Reduction' and 'Asia Dialogue on China-US Relations.' Her research interests include East Asian history, Chinese politics and foreign policy, as well as the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons.
東京大学教育学部、同大学院教育学研究科博士前期課程修了(教育心理学)、東京大学大学院情報学環・学際情報学府 渡邉英徳研にて「テクノロジを活用した戦災記憶の継承と平和学習の開発/検証」をテーマに研究を行う。具体的には、デジタルツインやメタバースなどの技術を中心にデジタルアーカイブやデジタルサンドボックスゲームの教育現場での利活用を進めている。
高校時代から核兵器廃絶を求める署名活動や被爆体験の伝承活動に従事し、2014年に国連軍縮会議、2022年にNPT再検討会議、国際賢人会議に外務省委嘱ユース非核特使として参加。2024年、UNODA(国連軍縮部) によるYouth Leader Fund for a World withoutNuclear Weaponsの世界の100名に選出。
また、女性の平和・安全保障への参画という文脈でも活動を行う。2023年にWorld Assembly for Womenにてデニ・ムクウェゲ氏らと議論、成果を国連文書に登録。Women In International Security会員。
A third-generation atomic bomb survivor from Hiroshima.
After completing undergraduate and master's degrees in education psychology at the Faculty of Education and the Graduate School of Education at the University of Tokyo, he is conducting research on "Inheriting War Disaster Memories and Developing/Verifying Peace Education Using Technology" at the Nagatani lab at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo. Specifically, he is promoting the practical use of digital archives and digital sandbox games in educational settings, focusing on technologies such as digital twins and metaverses.
Engaged in signature campaigns for nuclear disarmament and the transmission of atomic bomb experiences since high school, he served as a youth non-nuclear special envoy commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the United Nations Disarmament Conference in 2014, the NPT Review Conference in 2022, and the International Conference of the Wise. In 2024, he was selected as one of the 100 youth leaders by UNODA (United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs) for the Youth Leader Fund for a World without Nuclear Weapons.
He is also active in the context of women's participation in peace and security. In 2023, he participated in discussions at the World Assembly for Women with Dr. Denis Mukwege and others, and the outcomes were registered in United Nations documents. He is a member of Women In International Security.
While engaging in research and social activities, he also works for a foreign IT company, contemplating the utilization and social implementation of the latest technologies such as generative AI.
2002年にキャリアデザインセンターに入社。グーグルで営業マネージャーを経て、2016年にat Will Workを設立。お金のデザインを経て、Plug and Play株式会社でCMOとしてマーケティングとPRを統括。2022年にはスタートアップエコシステム協会を設立、代表理事に就任。東京都スタートアップ戦略フェロー、文部科学省起業家教育推進大使、内閣府規制改革推進会議スタートアップ・投資ワーキンググループ専門委員。
Ayumi started her career at Career Design Center in 2002. After working as a sales manager at Google, she founded at Will Work in 2016. After working at Money Design, worked at Plug and Play K.K. as CMO, overseeing marketing and PR. 2022 founded the Startup Ecosystem Association and became its president. She is a Startup Strategy Fellow at Tokyo Metropolitan Government, an Ambassador for Entrepreneurship Education Promotion at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and an expert member of the Startup and Investment Working Group at the Cabinet Office's Council for Regulatory Reform.
Born in 1968, he received his master's degree from the Graduate School of Social Sciences, Waseda University. He joined Patagonia in 1999, and was the Japan Branch Manager from 2009 to 2019. He became a non-executive board member of the J-League in 2022 and an executive board member (sustainability area) in March 2023.
フィリピンの人権活動家。最近の研究内容では権威主義体制における抗議イベントの分析や抗議データを収集するための自然言語処理モデルの使用等があります。彼女は、ミャンマーのロヒンギャ危機を背景にした政府のプロパガンダの誤報/偽情報分析に焦点を当て、ニューサウスウェールズ大学キャンベラ校でサイバーセキュリティの博士号を取得しています。テクノロジーと人権の分野での活動は、2022年にWomen in AI Ethics™ (WAIE) から人工知能倫理の世界トップ100女性の1人に選ばれ、高く評価されました。
Jeans recent work includes Protest Event Analysis in Authoritarian Regimes and The Use of Natural Language Processing Models to Collect Protest Data. She has a PhD in Cybersecurity from UNSW Canberra focusing on the analysis of government propaganda and mis/disinformation in the context of the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar. jean’s work in the field of technology and human rights was acknowledged in 2022 when she was awarded by the Women in AI Ethics™ (WAIE) as one of the top 100 Women in Artificial Intelligence Ethics globally.
エジンバラ大学国際ビジネス学修士課程卒業。プラスチックの消費削減をミッションにした、日本初の無料給水プラットフォーム「mymizu」の共同創設者。また、大手企業にコンサルティングや人材育成サービスを提供する 一般社団法人Social Innovation Japanの代表理事。世界銀行(気候変動グループ)などのコンサルタントとしての経験を含め、これまでに20ヶ国以上における国際機関、社会的企業などで活動した経験を持つ。ハイチ、ネパール、バヌアツ、モザンビークなどの国々で事業を管理し、持続可能な開発に関連する多数の国際事業にも携わってきた。2021年、MITテクノロジーレビュー主催のアワード「Innovators Under 35 Japan 2020」において、未来を創る35歳未満のイノベーターの1人に選出された。2022年、社会課題解決に取り組むミレニアル世代を表彰するアワード Business Insider Japan 「BEYOND MILLENNIALS アワード」Circular Economy部門受賞者。
Robin is an award-winning social entrepreneur and educator based in Japan. He is the Co-CEO of Social Innovation Japan, a platform empowering people to take action on today's most pressing challenges. He is also Co-founder of mymizu, a platform reducing plastic waste through the power of technology and community, which has saved millions of plastic bottles from going to waste through its crowdsourced plastic-free hydration network.
Originally with a background in humanitarian aid and international development, Robin has spent 13+ years working with social enterprises, NGOs and inter-governmental organisations, and has managed sustainable development projects in countries including Japan, Haiti, Vanuatu and Mozambique. To date, he has conducted mission-driven empowerment programs for tens of thousands of people, including workshops, leadership training and scholarship programs. Robin also serves as an advisor and mentor for a range of mission-driven organisations, and is a guest lecturer at several universities.
In 2017, Robin founded the “Michinoku Trail Walker” project, a sustainable tourism initiative helping thousands of people enjoy outdoor adventures in Japan’s disaster-stricken Tohoku region and contribute to the area’s long-term recovery. In 2020, he was recognised by M.I.T. Technology Review’s ‘Innovators Under-35’ Awards and in 2022 won Business Insider Japan's 'Beyond Millennials' Award. His work has been featured in global media including CNN, Vogue and Netflix.
ワークショップは「平和のためのイノベーションの実現」を掲げる本フォーラムにおいて最も重要な要素です。ワークショップでは「Brainstorming & Networking」「Mentoring」「Connecting」の3要素を軸に実施します。
One Young World London及びJapan本部とも密接に連携しています。本大会の成果やアイデアは同月後半に行われるTokyo CaucusやMontreal Summitにも引き継ぎます。各イベントとの連結を通じてOne Young Worldのグローバルなネットワークへの回路を開くことができます。
このフォーラムをサポートするOne Young World(以下、OYW)では、これまで190 以上の国と 250 以上の組織から聡明な若いリーダーが集まり、世界にポジティブな影響を与えてきました。OYWを通じて新たなアイデアや事業が生まれた例はあと跡をたちません。